
Your Memories Are Safe With Us.

We treasure your privacy just as much as you treasure your memories. That’s why we’ve made our Privacy Policy easy to understand—no confusing terms or legalese.

  • We don't collect more data than we need.

    We ask you only for the information that we really need to fulfil your order & we only share the bare minimum with our shipping partner.

  • Your photos and memories stay with us.

    We handcraft all of our products from start to finish and we have no external printing partners, so your photos are never shared with anyone else.

  • We don't sell or rent your data.

    We never sell any of your data to advertisers or any other third-party and you own the rights to all the photos you upload on our website.

👀 What We Collect and Why

When you order personalized prints from us, we need a bit of info to make everything just right:

  • Name & Contact Details: We collect your name, delivery address, email, and phone number to process your order and keep you updated.
  • Your Photos: We also need your photos to personalize your prints. We handle these images ourselves and do not share them with anyone.
  • Additional Personalization: Your prints can be personalized with additional details such as locations, text and more. We handle this information ourselves and do not share them.

💎 We Do Not Handle Your Payment Information

Your payment information is handled by our credit card processor Stripe — an industry-leading online payment processor. We can never access or see your full card details.

✏️ How We Use Your Information

  • Creating Your Products: We use your details and photos to create your personalized items.
  • Delivery: We share your name, address, and phone number with our shipping partner, Packeta Slovakia, s.r.o. (VAT ID: SK2120099014), and their external delivery partners to ensure your order reaches you.
  • Customer Support: We use your information to assist you whenever you need help.
  • Email Marketing: With your consent, we send you promotional emails about new products and special offers.

🔐 How We Protect Your Data

We take your privacy seriously and use SSL encryption provided by Shopify to secure your personal data. Your information is stored securely and only accessed when necessary.

🧐 Why We Store Your Data

We store your data so that we can fulfil your order, but also reprint it in the future should you request this serviceit or should your initial order be lost or damaged.

⌛ How Long We Store Your Data

  • Photos & Personalization Details: We store these for 1 year and after this period they are automatically deleted. This may change in the future as we plan to expand our services, but you will be informed of any changes.
  • Phone Number: We store the phone number associated with your order for 30 days after the delivery.
  • Name, Address, Email: We store this information indefinitely.

📸 Photo Content & Copyright

Your photos are used solely for creating your ordered products. We do not claim any copyright over your images. However, you retain ownership and are responsible for ensuring you have the right to use and share the photos you provide us.

  • With your explicit consent, we may use your personalized products, including your photos for marketing purposes, such as social media posts and online ads.

😶‍🌫️ Making Changes

If you need to update or delete your personal information, or if you want to withdraw consent for future communications, you can do so by contacting us directly via email.

📃 Updates to our Privacy Policy

We may update this policy periodically to reflect changes in our practices. We will notify you of significant changes through email or a prominent notice on our website.

🤔 Questions?

If you have any questions about this policy or our privacy practices, please contact us. We’re here to help!

Last Update: 24 May, 2024